Felicia Cardell


I samarbetet med Maybeauty?

Go kväll!

Hoppas att ni mår bra?☀

Imorse testade jag denna härliga peel off mask för första gången och jag måste bara säga W-O-W!!!⚡

Masken kommer från Maybeauty & det är en lermask som tar bort död hud och pormaskar.??

Jag är ju besatt i ansiktsvård & speciellt ansiktsmasker. Så att få testa denna härliga mask var bara med rent nöje?

Den avlägsnar även olja i fet hy och motverkar orenheter.

Masken appliceras på torr och rengjord hy. Jag applicerade min mask med borsten som rekommenderas att används till masken. Eftersom masken är ganska kletig så var det väldigt enkelt att få ut masken jämt över ansiktet tack vare den smidiga borsten.

Man ska undvika hårfästet, ögonbryn och huden runt ögon.

Masken är alldeles kolsvart?

När masken är jämnt applicerad i ansiktet ska den verka i 30-45 min. Den ska bli alldeles snustorr.

Under tiden kan man passa på att dricka en kopp kaffe☕ i lugn och ro eller varför inte måla naglarna?? ??✨

När masken har torkat är det dags att dra bort den. Så tillfredsställande????

Jag har ganska mycket fjun i mitt ansikte och var rädd för att det skulle göra ont, men tvärtom! Det var typ skönt? Inte alls obehagligt eller ont??

Jag fick ett super resultat efter min första användning?? Huden känns mjuk & len. Mina porer har minskat och ansiktet fick en ny lyster⚡?✨

Masken ska användas regelbundet för att hålla hyn len & fräsch.

Det som även är bra med masken är att den INTE är testad på djur?

Solar man efter användning får man även en jämnare och mer långvarig solbränna eftersom döda hudceller och andra orenheter har tagits bort?? Hur bra är inte det? Speciellt nu när sommaren har kommit☀☀☀

Jag har en rabattkod som ger er 30% rabatt??

Koden är feliciafacemask ?

Om ni trycker på länken nedanför så kommer ni direkt till hemsidan där koden redan är i fylld??

Länk till koden hittar ni HÄR.

Så passa på att unna dig själv en härlig mask eller varför inte ge bort i morsdagpresent??✨?

Är ni sugna på att se hela min ansiktsrutin så tycker jag att ni ska kika in vår nya video på youtubekanalen??

Det är bara att trycka på bilden nedanför så kommer ni direkt till videon??✨


Puss & Kram

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    Itson.ie is like a big online store where you can buy lots of stuff. It’s easy to use and you can find everything from clothes to gadgets there. It’s great because you can get good deals and find cool things all in one spot. So, whether you’re shopping for yourself or for a gift, Itson.ie is a handy place to check out.

  2. Slangs Definition

    Slang, often referred to as the colorful and dynamic language of a particular group or community, encompasses a vast array of informal words and phrases that deviate from standard language norms. It serves as a means of communication, often conveying shared cultural references, attitudes, and identities. Slang can evolve rapidly, reflecting shifts in social trends, technology, and popular culture. It can be regional, reflecting the unique linguistic flavor of a specific geographic area, or it can be subcultural, emerging within groups such as teenagers, musicians, or internet communities. While slang can sometimes be seen as controversial or disrespectful, it plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among those who use it. Its fluidity and adaptability make it a fascinating aspect of language, continually shaping and reshaping the ways in which we communicate and express ourselves.

  3. Joi Ember

    Find out how sound healing may change lives in your neighborhood. Sound healing sessions, led by skilled practitioners, provide a unique chance to lose yourself in healing vibrations and calming music.

  4. amilia

    reiki training teaches you how to use your hands to promote relaxation and healing. In classes or workshops, you’ll learn simple techniques to channel energy for yourself and others. These sessions often focus on hand placements, meditation, and self-care practices

  5. Ausm

    Discover the transformative power of sound healing right in your local area. Led by experienced practitioners, sound healing sessions offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in therapeutic vibrations and soothing melodies.

  6. Kambo

    All sales of Kambo contribute to the welfare of the Matses Tribe of Peru, along with the Katukina and Yawanawa Tribes of Brazil. If you opt to pay via Zelle, please initiate the transaction by sending an email.

  7. Shapewear

    Before donning shapewear, individuals may feel self-conscious about certain areas, but afterward, they experience a newfound sense of empowerment and poise. The subtle yet significant difference in how clothes fit and how one carries themselves is striking. ShapewearBeforeAndAfter isn’t just about physical transformation; it’s about the emotional liberation that comes with feeling comfortable and confident in one’s own skin. also visit https://www.pinterest.com/ShapewearBeforeAndAfter/

    1. ShapewearBeforeAndAfter

      Before donning shapewear, individuals may feel self-conscious about certain areas, but afterward, they experience a newfound sense of empowerment and poise. The subtle yet significant difference in how clothes fit and how one carries themselves is striking. ShapewearBeforeAndAfter isn’t just about physical transformation; it’s about the emotional liberation that comes with feeling comfortable and confident in one’s own skin. also visit https://www.facebook.com/shapewearbeforeandafters/

    2. Shapewear

      Before donning shapewear, individuals may feel self-conscious about certain areas, but afterward, they experience a newfound sense of empowerment and poise. The subtle yet significant difference in how clothes fit and how one carries themselves is striking. ShapewearBeforeAndAfter isn’t just about physical transformation; it’s about the emotional liberation that comes with feeling comfortable and confident in one’s own skin. also visit https://www.facebook.com/shapewearbeforeandafters/

  8. ShapewearBeforeAndAfter

    Before donning shapewear, individuals may feel self-conscious about certain areas, but afterward, they experience a newfound sense of empowerment and poise. The subtle yet significant difference in how clothes fit and how one carries themselves is striking. ShapewearBeforeAndAfter isn’t just about physical transformation; it’s about the emotional liberation that comes with feeling comfortable and confident in one’s own skin. also visit https://www.pinterest.com/ShapewearBeforeAndAfter/

  9. Jonah

    In Singapore, KFC is a must-visit restaurant for any foodie. Whatever your craving, you’re sure to find it among their delicious burgers, crispy fried chicken, and tantalizing sides. Choosing your favorites is a breeze with the price- and picture-accompanied menu. You should try some of the greatest things they sell. To view the KFC Singapore menu and begin making plans for your next visit, click on the link. https://sg.kfc-menu.com/

  10. Anosha Angel

    McDonald’s menu is a mix of classic favourites and new offerings, ensuring there’s something for everyone. From the iconic Big Mac to the beloved Chicken McNuggets, the menu boasts a diverse selection. Affordable value meals combine a main dish, side, and drink, catering to budget-conscious customers. Healthier choices, salads, and wraps are also available. The breakfast menu offers a variety of morning delights, including the famous Egg McMuffin. McDonald’s pricing strategy aims to provide accessible and budget-friendly options, making it a popular choice for quick and affordable meals.

  11. david morgan

    McDonald’s sweden menu has its usual classics like the Big Mac, but they also offer local twists. For a plant-based option, try the ”McVegan” burger, or the ”Halloumi McFeast” with grilled halloumi cheese. They also have seasonal items, so there’s always something new to try.

  12. Kambo Training

    Kambo Training offers a profound exploration into the traditional Amazonian practice of administering the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog for therapeutic purposes. Participants delve into the cultural and medicinal significance of Kambo, learning its ceremonial application and the science behind its purported benefits.

  13. Williamt

    Kambo Rapé is a traditional indigenous medicine that originates from the Amazon rainforest, particularly among the tribes of the Matses and Katukina in Brazil and Peru. Unlike other forms of rapé, Kambo Rapé is distinct due to the inclusion of the potent secretion from the skin of the giant monkey frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor.

  14. William

    Garage Door Panel Repair Is your garage door an eyesore, a security worry, or an energy hog? A facelift might be in order! Replacing your garage door can be more than just an aesthetic upgrade. It can boost your curb appeal, enhance security with modern features, and even improve energy efficiency if your garage is attached.

  15. david morgan

    Kambo, also known as the ”frog medicine,” is a traditional Amazonian healing ritual that involves the application of secretions from the Giant Monkey Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor). This ritual has been practiced by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest for centuries and is believed to have profound physical and spiritual benefits.

    1. david morgan

      Kambo, also known as the ”frog medicine,” is a traditional Amazonian healing ritual that involves the application of secretions from the Giant Monkey Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor). This ritual has been practiced by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest for centuries and is believed to have profound physical and spiritual benefits.

  16. William

    FBS broker review Is a well-established online brokerage offering trading services in various financial instruments, including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. Known for its user-friendly platform, XTB has gained recognition for providing access to a diverse range of markets. https://brokfolio.com/

      1. Kambo healing

        Kambo healing, rooted in indigenous Amazonian traditions, offers a holistic approach to physical and emotional well-being. The secretion of the giant monkey frog, when applied to small burns on the skin, is believed to initiate a profound detoxification process, purging the body of toxins and negative energies. Advocates of Kambo healing often describe its effects as both cleansing and rejuvenating, promoting a sense of clarity, balance, and vitality. While scientific research on Kambo’s therapeutic potential is still emerging, many individuals report experiencing relief from a variety of ailments, including chronic pain, depression, and addiction. However, it’s essential to approach Kambo healing with caution and respect, seeking guidance from experienced practitioners who can ensure safe and responsible administration. Visit this link: https://tribalteachings.com/
